Sunday, 29 June 2014

Summoning demons from hell... crap, a bug in the system

While summoning demons from hell that would only obey 'true', first gen 4 shade Tetris games, they noticed something was a little off...THE PLUS GAME WAS ONLY COMPATIBLE WITH THE SONY DIMENSION!!! RUUUUUUUN!!! Sony games don't obey Tetris games :(
How to summon sony demons from doom with tetris and tetris plus
Damn you Tetris Plus!!!

Someone got shot at a Russian store

And the murderer is still around :|
By Tubbypaws, link to the papercraft:
Sir... you dropped your money... and you're leaking ketchup...

Guy in Hawaiian shirt getting pulled over

The guy is concerned now. 
Papercraft by Tubbypaws.
Link to the papercraft:

Still waiting for the cops to come out of the car
He is really concerned right now

What we'd see

Red viewing the ocean and S.S. Anne together with a mysterious truck

Two pictures showing Red from the Pokemon games (he's been waiting a little long, that's where the cobwebs come from ^^).
Original papercraft by Tubbypaws.
Link to the papercraft: